Published by: The Santae Team
Icelyn Frostwhisk makes it to Celestial Peaks
A tall elf adorned with blue furs and wools, makes her way up the final steps of Celestial Peaks. She drops their large, heavy backpack with a thud, as she looks over the glistening snow-topped town, sighing in relief from their trek up.
a Winterlight Machine Token falls from the bag as it settles on the floor with a small tink.
A Chalk Wolperjack follows behind this elf shyily, dwarved by their owner, and scoops the token up to put it neatly back in the bag. It looks up to is owner, with a wiggle of its nose and frustrated squeak.
The elf chuckles at the pet's tidiness and bends down to pet the Wolperjack gently, "Sorry, Drift you know how clumsy I am... but we are finally here, and I am just so excited to tell everyone the news!"
Straightening herself up and raising their hands to her mouth, she calls out to the adventurers nearby with a shout, "Hello Adventurers! My name is Icelyn Frostwhisk, and I have a backpack full of Winterlight Machine Tokens to hand out for those who can complete my Daily Quests."
They kick the backpack and tokens spill out over the snow-covered ground with a resounding jingle, eliciting another exasperated squeak from Drift at their side.
Icelyn bursts out into a cackle, "come and get these Tokens so you can unlock even more mysteries from that Winterlight Machine!"
Discover more Tokens with Daily Quests
We are excited to announce you can now complete personal Daily Quests to receive bonus Tokens each day! Go visit Icelyn Frostwhisk at Celestial Peaks to start collecting more of these mysterious coins. The quests reset at 23:59:59 SST every day alongside your Daily Beta Reward.
★ Introducing a new NPC, Icelyn Frostwhisk who can be found at the Celestial Peaks.
★You can now complete Daily Quests for Winterlight Machine Token rewards. These reset every day at 23:59:59 SST.
Published by: The Santae Team
A Wintery Chill Descends
Skylar shivered, pulling their collar closer around their neck as an icy breeze swept past. The weather was turning -- maybe it was time to cut this gathering expedition short!
As Skylar made their way back toward their campsite, the season seemed to change directly before their eyes. The day had started out chilly, but now it was frigid. The surrounding leaves and blades of grass grass grew delicate coatings of white frost. By the time Skylar got back to their tent snowflakes were swirling around, and their breath was forming puffs of steam in the cold air. The tops of the Celestial Peaks were visible on the horizon -- and they could see a veil of colored lights dancing in the sky above them. An aurora!
Skylar quickly entered the tent, closing the flap behind them to avoid letting any warm air out. They smiled at the sight inside: Hop, their Synthwave Quibbit friend, was huddled under a pile of blankets with only its glowing antennae poking out.
"Hi, Hop," Skylar greeted their companion. "Chilly, huh? What do you make of the weather? It really seems like Winter has set in."
Hop let out a disgruntled-sounding croak -- but also extended one webbed paw from its blanket nest with an envelope.
"Oh, we got a delivery while I was out? Let's see..."
Skylar took the note and sat down next to Hop, wrapping one arm warmly around the Quibbit as they read. It was a letter from Vespera:
"Skylar," the note read. "By the time you get this, the strange winter weather may have already reached you, too. There's a Superchill sweeping Santae. I can't remember the last time Shadow Veil Pass was this cold! It has frozen the entrance to the Eerie Caves solid, which means it's going to be extra hard to look for more signs of fossils there.
"I'm going to stay here and keep investigating the Caves, but I think you should go to the Celestial Peaks. This magical-seeming cold reminds me of the Luffins -- but nobody has been back to the Peaktop since the Luffins started to reappear."
The note was signed with a cheerful "Good luck!" and Vespera's name.
Skylar patted the blanket-lump that was Hop affectionately. "I'm afraid you're going to have to get used to the cold, Hop. We're headed to the Celestial Peaks!"
A strange sight greeted Skylar and Hop as they approached the base of the Celestial Peaks. The aurora they had spotted earlier was even brighter now that they were directly below it, casting shimmery blue-green light down on the domed roofs and smooth waters.
In town, something else was new, too. Skylar spotted Jasper, the celestial armorer, inspecting a machine that Skylar had never seen before.