Published by: The Santae Team
Silvershade Is Back On The Trail
The soft blankets of snow over Santae were proving extremely fruitful for tracking new Minimals -- but the trail was leading Silvershade into steeper and harsher territory.
With Quinn the Quibblet tucked into the front of their jacket to keep warm, Silvershade continued their tracking expedition through the wilderness. It might be a tough, cold journey, but discovering brand-new Minimal trails was worth it!
Silvershade noticed some tiny cat-like pawprints meandering back and forth across the path and decided to follow them. There were tell-tale signs that whoever made these tracks was quite rambunctious : The trail showed clear signs of leaps and tumbles, and a nearby tree's low branches were bare of snow where a Minimal had clambered up. On a hunch, Silvershade peeked into the pine tree's dense needles. Sure enough, a small fluffy Grifkit was curled up close to the trunk, fast asleep on its perch after a long day of play!
Moving on, it wasn't long before Silvershade was high enough on the trail that the trees were mostly gone. Instead, tall cliffs and tumbled boulders surrounded their path. The bare rock underfoot made it harder to find the signs of Minimals, but luck was on Silvershade's side. The afternoon sun broke through the clouds to bathe the nearby cliffside with light. Near the clifftop, something was reflecting like a mirror! Silvershade peered up to confirm: It was a shiny-feathered Silvertalon surveying its territory.
Silvershade was halfway up the steep cliffside path when a faint crackling sound got their attention. They perked their ears and looked around, noticing that the clouds had closed in again and an almost stormy feeling of static was in the air. "Woah!" Silvershade yelped, ducking as something swooped out of the clouds overhead at unbelievable speed. They turned to look as quickly as they could, catching a glimpse of dark blue feathers crackling with electricity. This Thundergryph wasn't taking kindly to intrusions upon its territory!
Respecting the Thundergryph's wishes, Silvershade changed direction. Their journey took them down from the icy peaks and closer to the distant Flamefall Cascade. In the distance, the volcanic mountaintops were bare of ice, but the trail was still surrounded by a snowy winter wonderland. Except for one spot... Silvershade noticed that one nearby stony crag was not just snow-free, but also warm to the touch! A snoozing Brimtalon was sunning itself on the outcrop, molten wings spread wide.
Silvershade headed back home with a notebook bursting with sketches and notes. The info from this expedition would surely help them track these four new gryphons and lead Adventurers to find them in Herding!
Let's Get Cooking, New Pet Cookie Recipes Available!
Now that there is more than one location to create cooked items, the Cooking list has been updated to display both the Aurora Bakehouse and Culinary Creations.
Gather your ingredients, check your recipe, and enjoy creating delicious treats no matter where you choose to cook! It seems like Icelyn is ready to reveal the final six of the twelve Primal Pet Gingerroot Cookies. You can find these new recipes in the Aurora Bakeshop.
Put your baking skills to the test, what cute cookie creations you can bake now?
Fishy Discoveries In The Celestial Pools
It seems that Pets are bringing back even more new fish from the Celestial Pools in their hauls whilst searching for the magical Aurorite Ore.
These fish glitter and shine the colors of the Aurora, looking like fresh-fallen snow and icy caps of the peaks themselves. Something about the magic of Winterlight must have brought them to the surface, encouraging them out of their hiding places within the Celestial Pools! And now they are here to stay, can you fish them all up?
★ Four new Minimals are available in Herding.
★ The Cooking List has been updated with new banners and links
★ The 6 remaining Primal Pet recipes are now available in the Aurora Bakeshop
★ Four new fish are now available from Fishing at the Celestial Pools!
Published by: The Santae Team
Sweet Treats Await At The Celestial Peaks
Jasper raised a hand to shade his eyes as he looked out toward the edge of town, where the mountain trail began. A familiar pair of figures were coming into view! Skylar could be mistaken for anybody from this distance, but there was no mistaking Hop's distinctive luminous Synthwave wings.
"Skylar!" Jasper called out, waving. "Welcome back!"
Skylar and Hop walked over, tired from their hike down the mountain, but with an unmistakable spring in their step thanks to their excitement to share their discoveries. "Hi Jasper!" Skylar greeted the armorer warmly. "You won't believe it -- we really found a secret at the Celestial Peaktop!"
"Come inside where it's warm," Jasper urged, "and you can tell me all about it. I know the perfect place! There's a new store in town, since you left..."
Jasper led Skylar and Hop to the Aurora Bakehouse, and all three went inside. The interior was deliciously warm and full of sugary, buttery baking smells.
"Skylar, meet Icelyn Frostwhisk," Jasper gestured as he stepped over the threshold, drawing Skylar's attention to the smiling dark-haired elf behind the counter. "And Drift, of course," Jasper smiled down at the white-furred Wolperjack who was currently busy re-aligning the stock on one of the store's lower shelves.
Icelyn grinned back. "Welcome, Skylar! I've heard so much about you. It sounds like you went on quite the adventure."
"Yes," Skylar agreed, "all the way up to the Peaktop! Let me tell you about it..."
In the comfortable warmth of the bakery, Skylar described their long search for the path to the summit, the incredible view from the top -- and finally, the secret hollow underneath the icy spring, where the Luffins were hiding.
"But I wouldn't have found it at all if that Luffin hadn't stolen those cookies," Skylar chuckled. "That sweet tooth of theirs is the only reason I had a trail to follow at all. I want to go back, but I need to think of some way to befriend the Luffins first."
Icelyn hummed thoughtfully. "They like sweet things, hmm? I have an idea. Step into the back with me!"
Intrigued, Skylar and Hop followed Icelyn and Drift through a door behind the storefront counter and down a set of stairs. The room beyond was even warmer, heated by the fires of several stovetops and ovens. Racks of freshly baked cookies were cooling on the countertops, and the air was full of a sweet and spicy scent.