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Scaling Celestial Peaks: Aurora Bakehouse Opens, Hidden Avatars Discovered, and More Kickstarter Minimals Revealed!

22 Dec, 2024

Published by: The Santae Team

Almost There! Skylar Nears the Celestial Peaktop

After their previous plant discoveries, and examining the odd cookie crumb trail the day before, Skylar ï»¿and Hop continued to push on the trail to the Peaktop, making progress up the mountainside. Still being aided with the help of the Adventurers' and their pets successful expeditions.

"I know we are so close to the top, It looks like I could just reach out and touch it," Skylar commented, holding a hand out to the Aurora above them.  "If only we didn't have to trudge through such deep snow, at least some of the Celestial Snow gear from the Winterlight Machine was coming in handy up here."

Hop made a giggle at this comment as they effortlessly continued to flutter and spring over heaps of snow, stopping to look back smugly at its companion.

Chuckling at their Quibbit, Skylar pulled a Celestial Snowpom Beanie over their head and ears as they pushed past another  thick area of snowfall, " Yeah well, I guess I would be having it much easier if I also had wings and powerful legs like yours, hey?"

"If the Adventurers can push for one more day I just know we can break the Celestial Peaktop tomorrow!"

Icelyn Opens her Aurora Bakehouse!

looking up at the Aurora-filled sky of the Celestial Peaks, Icelyn looked back to review the interior of the cozy new shopfront of the Aurora Bakehouse, "Couldn't be a better time to open up our brand new store could it Drift?" She remarks to their snowy-colored companion, who is busying itself stocking the shelves.

Drift turned from a shelf baking goods that it was arranging to give a confident nod of approval to IcelynIt sits back on its haunches and reviews its progress, twitching its ears to-and-fro momentarily, before gesturing to the shelves expectantly.

Cookie Flour Bakers Flour White Flour Sugar

Stepping up behind the Wolperjack and bending forward to inspect the shelves thoughtfully, Icelyn clasps her hands together with excitement, "Wow, Drift these shelves have been put together so neatly, you have all the dry ingredients together-- oh, and look there is all the eggs and dairy!"

Plant Butter Brown Butter Stick of Butter
 Brown Eggs White EggsPastel Eggs

"This is so impressive, I couldn't have arranged these so nicely myself, I am so glad to have you to help me buddy.... but where are the decoration ingredients?" Icelyn looked around quickly to find the remaining items.

Black Sprinkles White Sprinkles Purple Sprinkles 
Blue Sprinkles Green Sprinkles Yellow Sprinkles 
Orange Sprinkles Pink Sprinkles Red Sprinkles

They turned to face a wall of colorful sprinkles, and her expression explodes with delight, "Wow you even color-coordinated them, how fantastic! And Look at the icing packets too!"

Black Icing White Icing Red Icing
Pink Icing Orange Icing Yellow Icing
Green Icing Blue Icing Purple Icing 

Drift closed its eyes contentedly and puffs out it's chest with pride, clearly feeling pleased with its hard work and meticulous placements of the stock.

" I hope the Adventurers are eager to bake up a storm, it seems everyone has been enjoying the Gingerroot Cookies from the Winterlight Machine, and I just know that baking some together will be even more fun!" Icelyn announces vibrantly, " Alright, it's time to turn over the sign and let the Adventurers roll in."

Discover The Secrets Of Two New Hidden Avatars

Where could these two new hidden avatars be hiding?


Decorate your profile and forum posts with the tiny paws and twitching nose of an adorable Hollyhop, or with a tranquil glacial snowfall -- if you can discover the secret to unlocking these avatars somewhere in the world of Santae!

Discover the solution for yourself to add to your avatar collection today!

A Flock Of New Friends Brought To Life By Kickstarter

Santae's official Kickstarter offered the opportunity to let the community's creativity shine by working with the artist team to design a Minimal. We're thrilled to share that seven more of these incredible community-driven designs are ready to be revealed!