Published by: The Santae Team
🏆 Collect some Bling for your Profile ✨
For every approved Alpha Tester who uses your username as their referrer, you will receive one ticket to enter a raffle for the chance to win an Exclusive Wispyr Pet. Winners will be selected one week after Alpha Applications close. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to win an Rare Exclusive Pet and earn your "Bring a Friend" Referral Medal at the same time!
☕️ Support Santae through Buy Me a Coffee! ☕️
Our Buy Me a Coffee Medals have also been added to the site! Take Santae out on a Coffee date and snag these nifty Medals to your collection!
In case you missed it, at every tier, our Buy Me a Coffee Supporters will be able to access one or more posts per week of behind-the-scenes content including images and videos of the artistic process that brings Santae to life and a nifty icon to use exclusively on our Discord server!
At Silver+ Supporter status, you will have access to two or more posts per week of behind-the-scenes content. You will also be able to access our Buy Me a Coffee specific Discord channel where you can connect with other supporters and discuss the cool NEW features that are coming to Santae after sneak peeks are provided via Buy Me a Coffee!
Silver+ Supporters will be able to participate in polls and cast their vote to decide what content should make its way into the game before others! If you would enjoy having an even greater say in shaping the world of Santae, we encourage you to support us on Buy Me a Coffee!
Santae is on the lookout to hire an amazing Admin to join our team! If you’re 18 or older and have a minimum of 20 hours per month to dedicate to admin duties, we want to hear from you.
Admin hold diverse responsibilities, including responding to support tickets, banning members who violate Site Rules or create multiple accounts, and replacing items stolen from accounts, among other tasks crucial for Santae’s smooth operation. We are looking for a mature, patient, friendly and fair person to assist in doing this critical job -- if this sounds like you, please apply!
At Santae, our staff are compensated with Cash Points for their time and efforts spent on staffing each month.
If you’re passionate about fostering a supportive community and upholding our community guidelines, apply now to become an Admin with Santae!
Published by: The Santae Team
Published by: The Santae Team
**Sprays Bugspray Everywhere**
Every bug that was previously known to exist has now been squished fixed! A big thank you to our amazing Programmer Ember for all of the hard work and dedication you've personally put in to Santae, and making sure that our site is always functioning as best as it can!
And, thank you to our bug catchers Alpha Testers for all of your dedication and attention to detail with finding and reporting everything over the last two weeks! We have also loved seeing the fan art and custom CSS on your accounts - keep up the good work, there may be some recognition for those who have gone the extra mile....
Welcoming Wave 2 of our Alpha Testers
During the next 24 hours we will be reaching out to our recent Alpha Tester Applicants from our ongoing submissions -- if you see a new face or two around Santae or on our Discord Server this week, please be sure to give them a warm welcome!
Our Referral Contest is continuing to run until 5 June, so be sure to get your friends to sign up -- regardless of whether they are approved for Alpha Testing or not you will get credited with a raffle ticket to potentially win a
Strange New Item...?
A new item has randomly glitched it's way into the game appeared....
One Big Community (Manager)
We've added in a new Staff Role that we hope will help bring our growing community even more together . Please congratulate Sky on becoming our first Community Manager! They have been working behind the scenes with CJ over the last few weeks to help push out news posts, make updates to the game, and revamping our Social Media Platforms which will be re-launching this week!
Community Managers are also in charge of relaying feedback and suggestions from the user base and helping our Development Team to bring those ideas to life!
Don't Forget to Claim Your Alpha Rewards!
Every Day at Site Reset (00:00:00 SST), Alpha Testers can go HERE to receive a sP (our main currency) bonus! Occasionally there will also be some items that may come in handy to you during
your time Alpha Testing!
Published by: The Santae Team
Search for Anything and Everything!
We have officially released our Search Feature! With search you can browse throughout the site and find information on various Items, NPCs, Games, Shops, User/Userpets, and More!