Published by: The Santae Team
Wild Minimals have appeared!
Merick has opened up shop in Mirage Haven, he has all sorts of Minimals for sale in his shop!
Here is a sneak peak of some of the ones he has for sale!
Minimals can be attached to your Pet, you can also rename your pet's Minimal -- their names do not need to be unique (although they certainly can be)!
Minimals can also age, just like Pets! Be sure to keep a watchful eye on them, sometimes strange thing happen when they reach a certain age...
Don't Forget to Claim Your Alpha Rewards!
Every Day at Site Reset (00:00:00 SST), Alpha Testers can go HERE to receive a sP (our main currency) bonus! Occasionally there will also be some items that may come in handy to you during your time
Alpha Testing!
Published by: The Santae Team
☕️ Support Santae through Buy Me a Coffee! ☕️
We are excited to launch Santae's official Buy Me a Coffee portal! Keep up to date with recent news or consider supporting us with a tiered monthly monetary donation to get a behind-the-scenes look at the work that goes into bringing our beautiful site to life!
At every tier, our Buy Me a Coffee Supporters will be able to access one or more posts per week of behind-the-scenes content including images and videos of the artistic process that brings Santae to life! If you were ever curious and wanted to see original sketches of pets, characters and maps that were subsequently revamped and fleshed out into what they are today, consider supporting us!
In addition, all of our supporters get a nifty icon to use exclusively on our Discord server!
Want to show off your Supporter status on-site too? These Medals will be a great addition to your trophy cabinet!
**Please note that Trophies are not currently available on site. Once that feature is added, our Buy Me a Coffee Support Medals will be awarded out manually by Management. Look out for additional updates on this feature!
At Silver+ Supporter status, you will have access to two or more posts per week of behind-the-scenes content. You will also be able to access our Buy Me a Coffee specific Discord channel where you can connect with other supporters and discuss the cool NEW features that are coming to Santae after sneak peeks are provided via Buy Me a Coffee!
Silver+ Supporters will be able to participate in polls and cast their vote to decide what content should make its way into the game before others! If you would enjoy having an even greater say in shaping the world of Santae, we encourage you to support us on Buy Me a Coffee!
Going forward, you can also look for the link in our updated site footer!
Regardless of whether or not you wish to take Santae out on monthly coffee dates, we would like to extend a big THANK YOU to all of our Alpha Testers! It has been an eventful week and a half since launch, and you all have provided crucial information that has been critical to the development of Santae -- from reporting errors and bugs, to providing amazing suggestions!
Published by: The Santae Team
You've asked... and we've delivered!
Introducing our Check Price feature!