Published by: The Santae Team
Harrison Discovers Rare Mining Gear
Harrison stood outside his store in Sienna Canyon. Until a week ago, this place had been a peaceful and quiet corner of Aleriea where new visitors were infrequent. Ever since the Fossil Cave was discovered however, it was now a bustling crowd of budding miners trying their best to excavate fossils and other mysterious items.
It had been great for business so much that Harrison had ended up increasing his restock rates just a few days ago to supply the constant demand for Pick Axes and Mine Carts - and his sales showed no signs of slowing.
As he was retrieving yet another supply of Elite Pickaxes from his cellar, he stumbled upon a cache of items which had been locked away for so long that he had completely forgotten about it.
"Soot.." he said out loud, "Come help me open this up!" he mumbled in his thick, deep voice. After a few moments, his trusty Charcoal Seamso, came bounding in to help lift the items. "We can give these out to adventurers who are helping to uncover the mystery!".
Seamso's ears were notorously strong and could lift most things, and so with just a single swipe, the crate was carted out to the front of the store, and opened up for the world to see.
"Adventurers! If you're mining, and purchasing from my store, I want to award you for your efforts!"
Community Personal Event: Mine For Ancient Treasures
Elemental Foxes Pounce Into Herding
Silvershade had never seen a Minimal trail like this before. Signs of different elemental magic were criss-crossing each other everywhere they looked!
They were following a narrow stream of hot lava that meandered through the cold woods, melting a path across the frozen earth. Occasionally they spotted a red-hot glowing pawprint on a rock -- but the trail was half-obscured by drifts of snow and spikes of ice that coated the trees and ground seemingly at random. In other places, the tracks seemed to vanish completely into freshly-opened fissures in the ground, as though miniature earthquakes had shaken the earth at random intervals.
Signs of fire, ice, and earth magic were all over, a kaleidoscope of elemental influence. With their practiced skill, Silvershade was able to find signs of direction within the chaos and follow the trail toward where they hoped the Minimals would be hiding.
When they felt the earth tremor underfoot, they knew they were close. As they broke through the trees into a clearing, a wave of heat and a wave of cold hit them in quick succession. The culprits were here!
Three fox-like Minimals were chasing each other around the clearing, pouncing on one another in turns with wagging tails. Glacore's freezing breath sent clouds of mist through the air, Terradon's heavy steps sent tremors through the ground beneath, and Moltanox's molten coat dripped a trail of lava in its wake -- but despite their contrasting elemental natures, no one of the Minimals seemed to take the upper hand. It was all a cheerful game to them!
Silvershade hid at the edge of the clearing to watch the playful foxes romp. They couldn't wait to help lead some Adventurers to come see these amazing elemental creatures for themselves!
★ Complete Personal Goals to receive mysterious new mining-themed items.
★ Three new Minimals have made their way into Herding and Vespera's Store.
Published by: The Santae Team
Putting The Pieces Together: Ancient Fossils Revealed!
Vespera sifted through the materials piled up in her Mining Cart, examining each sparkling stone in turn. Mining had revealed plenty of rare ores, but how could the ancient fossils be safely extracted?
She reached into her pack to pull out the trusty Ancient Fossil Codex -- a manuscript that had already provided lots of useful clues in the exploration of Echoes Cavern. The faint glow of the Fossil Chamber was just bright enough for her to read by. Vespera paged through the Codex from cover to cover, studying it deeply.
Her perusal of the Codex reminded Vespera of the research Orion and Rose were doing. Vespera started feeling more and more hopeful as she flipped through the pages. The pieces were all coming together!
For months, Orion and Rose had pored over the Codex, too, deciphering its cryptic instructions and the minerals that would be needed to realize their design. These minerals, imbued with ancient energy, held the promise of powering their most ambitious invention yet: A Resurrection Machine capable of restoring the creatures whose remains had been preserved in stone.