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Majestic Minimals, Dustwind Bazaar Opens, and a Snowy Surprise in Santae!

21 Jan, 2025

Published by: The Santae Team

Majestic Minimals With The Power Of The Earth

Silvershade was on a scouting expedition when they spotted something very strange indeed on the horizon.

The sky to the west was clear. It was the perfect kind of day for tracking: Sunny, not too windy, with a few fluffy white clouds drifting overhead. Silvershade knew this area -- the landscape and its weather -- like the back of their own hand. Which is why it was so surprising to see something they had never seen before!

The air on the horizon was...sparkling? Silvershade could see flashes of hot pink, brilliant gold, and bright blue blinking in and out of sight, like a prism catching the sun.

They had to get a closer look. Silvershade watched the sparkling display overhead as they trekked toward the hillside where the phenomenon was concentrated.

Finally, they were close enough to identify the culprits. The bright flashes of light were reflecting off the wings of a flock of bird-like Minimals with crystalline patterns on their feathers!

The Glintzals noticed Silvershade almost as soon as they noticed the flock. The Minimals chirped in excitement as they swooped lower to meet the newcomer to their hilltop, swooping and fluttering around Silvershade in dazzling patterns of reflected light.

Silvershade laughed, spinning in place to take in the beautiful kaleidoscope of color and light. What amazing creatures!

One by one, each Glintzal flapped up and away, gaining height until the sparkling of their wings was barely visible against the clouds. Silvershade watched them go, smiling fondly. They would enjoy tracking these beautiful Minimals down again!

In the stillness after the Glintzals' departure, a new sound caught Silvershade's attention. It was very soft, barely audible over the sound of the wind, but for an experienced tracker there was no mistaking it. That was the call of another Minimal!

Silvershade listened closely, following the sort chiming cries across the hilltop and toward a rocky part of the slope.

They surveyed the tumble of rocks and dirt, scanning closely. The melodious call chimed again -- it was definitely coming from somewhere nearby, but what was the culprit?

If the Minimal hadn't moved, Silvershade might never have spotted it. Another bird-like Minimal, tiny enough that Silvershade could have held it in the palm of their hand, flicked its long tail as it fluttered from rock to rock.

The Echostone was perfectly camouflaged against the ground, its soft feathers had the exact color and texture of the surrounding rock and earth, with intricate swirling markings that resembled fossils.

"Amazing!" Silvershade breathed out, kneeling down to get a closer look at the minuscule bird.

There was something special about both the Glintzal and the Echostone, Silvershade thought. They embodied the powerful energy of stone and gem, earth and soil. Silvershade was sure they'd make the perfect companion to any pet interested in Burrowing!

A new Hidden Avatar is now appearing across Santae! Best of luck in your avatar hunting adventures!

Shop Irresistible Deals At The Dustwind Bazaar

A brand-new shopping experience awaits in Sienna Canyon! Stroll the aisles of the Dustwind Bazaar to discover treasures from across Valaria and Aleriea -- curated at unbelievable prices by Elysa Dustwind.

Elysa receives shipments regularly, and every one is a surprise. Any item that can appear in any other shop around Santae also has a chance to arrive at the Dustwind Bazaar.